The Galway City Dojo is located in the heart of Galway, the Claddagh. The head instructor is Claire Harte Sensei  5th Dan Karate, 5th Dan Kobudo. Claire opened the club in October 1991 and after a ikki galwayfew early moves in location finally settled into Creaven House, a purpose built martial arts centre.
Harte Sensei is the association P.R.O & secretary for Itosu-kai Karatedo Ireland, she is also a Senior Consultant to Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation (IKIF), she holds a Level 1 Coach in Karate (Coaching Ireland), holds a Judge B certificate (ONAKAI referees committee) and is an IKKI tournament referee.



Class Timetable:

Mondays:   8pm to 9.30pm

Fridays:      6pm to 8pm

IKKI crest galway




Phone:  087 2338565

FB logo:  Itosu Kai Karate Galway

twitter galway:  @KarateGalway

The Galway Itosu Kai Karate Club has regular gradings so students can progress to a higher grade and a different belt. The club caters for all abilities and has students of all levels training at all times. The Galway Itosu Kai Karate club aim to make training a positive and rewarding experience for every member. Strong emphasis is placed in all training on building strong fundamental techniques.
We support competition and provide opportunities to compete at all levels, from the local tournaments through world championships. Students and instructors regularly attend specialised training sessions and seminars in Ireland and overseas.

Start today, you will get a warm welcome into the club by qualified instructors, who will ensure that you will enjoy your Karate experience .
                   Claire Harte Sensei

Galway map


8A  Creaven House, The Claddagh, Galway City      





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